Thursday, May 29, 2008
i'm having my study week.. keke..
wait up lte for my extra lesson.. when we are on the train ms sng call william and scolded william.. LOL.. cuz we are the one who say 10 and we are the one who is late.. and she scolding on the phone.. i'm beside william i can hear the voice of her.. HAHA.. i find out tat ms low is have extra classes also.. but we choose ms sng =X.. cuz got our own reason ar.. at first was onli 6 person.. anthony, haziq, kenneth, kong hwee, wen qin and mi.. the 6 of us.. den vennase and wen xin come.. den after tat ms low class dunno wad happen.. they all come to ms sng class.. haha.. 11.30 ms sng going to have meeting so the lesson have a break den continus wit it at 2 o'clock.. den we when to the lesson again.. HAHA.. and after awhile we saw gan-ma coming in.. she doing her project in the lab.. after our EIC lecture we went to find gan-ma for IFS.. haha, suddenly it change to a chat.. we still can ask what her child name.. den somemore ask till the bady inside her stomach, she think of a name for him?? haha.. joke here and there.. went out of class and leaving the school.. suddenly think of LOCKER!! yes, i got locker already.. we waited for ms priya so long sia.. she say 5 min but it like 30 min!! and we must choose the locker to share wit a person.. haha, i share wit edwin(class rap).. kenneth share wit mervin.. wen qin share wit david(ex-CT).. anthony share wit samatha.. estee and esther.. for ur information class rap and CT and ex-CT.. have thier own locker!! lols.. went to cafe1 to slack.. as usual.. den went HOME..
Monday, May 26, 2008
y cant u be mine?? just mine!!
school starting.. major exam coming.. stress pushing mi..
early in the morning.. wake up and help to wake my sis up.. went to school and getour missed class test at 9.. teacher sms and say if 9 nvr reach closed door.. so we went up at around 9.06.. teacher question us.. and we blame the life below is fully of ppl.. my school life is almost like last time cine.. damn lot of ppl stand there.. i think we should learn cine.. make ppl Q up in one line to take life.. HAHA...
so test start!! OMG, i think thing too hard.. and get myself so so stress.. and i fail so many MCQ question.. SOB SOB.. after tes was lecture.. teacher mark our paper on today.. so she show everyone mark in powerpoint as bar chart.. WOOHOOO, and tell u!! no even a ghost pass his test.. whole both class FAIL!!!
teacher go though the paper, but she nvr say wad our mark.. so we guess and count ourself.. and i get 14 mark.. total mark is 35!! and the higher in my class is 16..
we went to pratical.. 2.. and it fucking long.. we end at 6.. teacher go thought wit us EIC question.. prepare us for exam.. i think it quite useful.. but the timing it too long.. everyone mind almost die at 4+.. lucky she got add math type of question.. woot, hyper!! it end wit a wonderful ending.. LOL..
den kenneth and wen qin go CCA.. left konghwee, anthony, wen xin and mi.. and since wenxin is going to pasir ris.. so i long pang her cab ar.. den i take 81 to kovan and change to train.. and i train home.. haha.. AND celebrate my mum birthday.. my cousin came and celebrate tgt.. jiejie and ah ting went to seng kang and buy cake.. lol, she act buy bubble tea for mi.. she bought a mango cake to mummy.. it taste nice.. den we youngster play the com.. till 12+ all when to SLEEP.. cuz it SLEEPING time.. !!! =)(=
y cant u be mine?? just mine!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
the word u say, keep me thinking round and round..
wake up in the morning.. dunno y i wake up so early.. i think my body alarm's clock is in the setting mode agian.. wake up in the morning and sms everyone to go get a hair cut.. BOO, DON, KENNETH.. i say 2 meet at tekka mall..
The story of the 3 hero
don cannot go because he need celebrate wit his GF.. den tell mi say cannot go le mah.. den i understand le.. he sa i nvr reply him=_=.. his point is stuck wit his GF
den when 1 i call boo he just wake up.. WTF, faster ask him go get prepare.. he prepare alway veri slow de.. like the butt stuck in toilet bowl.. so i play com awhile.. den tell him, when he leave his house give mi a call.. den when i call him one more time.. u know wad??? his at his house downstair =_=.. his point is stuck in TOILET BOWL
this one also veri power.. i at the bus stop le mah.. den i sms him.. when we get up the bus, i will sms him and he go there meet us.. his house can walk to the place in few min.. so when i went up the bus.. i sms him, we now on bus.. so now u faster go.. den when we reach the bus stop.. i tot his there le.. den cant see him.. i tot he on the way.. so wait!! 10 min later.. no even the soul is there.. so i called him.. 'he tell boo his on the way le.. so we wait there.. guess wad??? 30min den he reach!!!! =_=.. his point is....... i don even know where he will get stuck!!
so we when to monsoon to get my haircut.. there are so many ppl.. so we waited for 30min.. den went back again.. den we sit inside.. STILL need to wait.. ZzZzZ.. finally my hair stylish come.. so i ask for a short hair cut.. den came out was not tat nice.. after tat went to meet up wit jin wang.. den went to MAC.. so jin wang can park his bicycle.. few min later, he say he wan go play basketball le.. after tat we went inside to find seat =DD.. study awhile den kenneth keep complain hungry ask him buy he don wan... so we set till 6 we go buy dinner.. after we eat DON have the mood to study.. LOL, after tat went to velocity to buy thing den home sweet home.. around 9 plus jinwang actually wan come and find mi chat.. but on his half way his wheel 'pang chek' LOL.. so we end up nvr meet..
the word u say, keep me thinking round and round..
Saturday, May 24, 2008
the night which is a memorise in brain..
today tot tat bring my little cousin out to shopping.. cuz i owe her a teddy bear for at least count by year.. LOL.. tat time i went to her house she still rmb abt it.. actually meeting up.. but dunno y suddenly sit and watch tv wit sis and dad.. den 1+ we still haven prepare.. so we cancel.. nvr bring her out.. she say she don wan go orchard.. so need wait after my major exam.. i bring her go out and play!!
haha... den slack at home.. SLACK and SLACK and SLACK..
den afternoon kenneth called mi to go out and study.. i was taking my nap.. so i reject him on the spot.. but i'm till got go other study.. cuz my major test is coming.. and the onli word i can say is STRESS STRESS STRESS..
so i went to meet wit 陈颍思.. hahahaha,.,.,.,. we study at boon keng mac.. study till we spotted the KSU(kia su uncle).. the KSU was finding for powerpoint.. den keep looking around.. keep on looking at ppl like pervert sia.. i guess the KSU name is TOM!! he suit the word peeping TOM!! and the mac is like everyone is finding for space to sit?? even got a auntie buy food le den find place to sit !! she end up wit no place but the manager helped her to find sit.. den we study till 9.. went to chomp chomp to EAT for our dinner.. take train to serangoon.. den change bus to 317.. den finish we reach.. and we saw the R.K house.. suddenly start talking abt the person who prunk at R.K house.. the PORK, PIG, BA BE!! lol..
when we reach there it like full of ppl waiting for sit.. i feel the angel is on our side.. haha, we just walk in and sit are waiting for us.. HAHA.. woot, i like the stingray.. it nice!!! and the dirnk over there is HUGE!! wad the hell.. it my first time to see a jug of juice in tis kind of place.. and it so CHEAP!! haha.. and i saw anthony there!! haha.. so qiao.. he was wit his friend.. after tat we bus to mrt sation and train home.. =DDD 陈颍思!!! HAHAHA
Friday, May 23, 2008
i saw my fairy..
after lunch when to basement NTUC to buy drink.. and we started to be childish.. we play hind and seen wit kong hwee.. lol, at first his totally gone.. lose track on us.. LOLS.. it so funny.. after tat we buy drink and haziq need go first.. so we sent him off.. den went back to upstair.. on the way saw esther ask her need us accompany her.. she say don need.. den afterward she buy a plastic bag of bottle.. AND ESTHER I FINALLY RMB U STILL OWE MI A PEACH TEA!!
esther do wan to accept the dirnk money.. here another game start.. coin passing game.. den we went to mini toon, cuz estee and esther wan buy 'present' for their mother.. and the game end up pass to the rite team.. AHAHAH.. when we leave.. we spit into 3 group.. athony, wenxin and yinghui.. take taxi.. estee, esther and limpeisi.. take MRT.. kelvin,kenneth and konghwee.. the 3Ks take bus.. =DD
at nite i went downstair to meet jin wang(my forever best/cockster friend) to chat.. we chat anything and everything.. and we going out on sunday =D.. like gay sia.. onli mi and him.. hahaha.. after tat when to playgound.. OMG, i saw my dream girl.. my attention was fully catched by her.. till now, her face is still in my mind.. the most important thing is i need confident!! SAD!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008
tuesday!! when to school early in the morning. when for IFS pratical.. after tat went to east point LJS.. lol, is like damn lot of ppl going.. 1/4 of the place was fill wit our classmate.. damn lot rite?? den we chat there.. and they start to say thing so loud like it their grandfather store!! den nosiy la.. after tat went back to shcool for phase test.. mine was at 3.. so i got time to slack.. i sleep for awhile.. den after tat i when to take the test.. i was the first to leave.. AND i found my mistake.. i change the system to 1 decimal place actually in the paper is 2 deicmal place.. SOBSOB.. i cuz get high mark agn.. and i crack the egg some of the egg whilte came out of the breaker.. after tat kenneth when to eat wit his OBS friend.. and i went to eat kfc.. den after tat accompany william to go sim lim square to check out for computer.. just walk around there and i find out it 8.30 le.. den send william to bus stop.. wait for the bus wit him.. den go home.. =DDDD
see tis text over here are specially for YOU.. YOU know who i wan??? the person i wan is YOU !! so i'm not crazy.. LOL
so u ctach my ball???
Sunday, May 11, 2008

after we eat.. we did a stupid stupid thing.. DAMN DAMN DAMN fucking funny ar.. all of us laugh till stomach pain.. cannot take it.. OMG OMG OMG... after tat konghwee, ying hui, estee,ether,anthony went home.. so left kenneth,leonard,wenqin and mi.. we four ppl ton over night.. we went to mustafa to shopping.. since wenqin so long nvr go .. den leonard is 1st time.. so happy wit the place.. shop till my leg is so so sour.. den i tell wenqin.. u know y mustafa is so popular??? cuz it singapore bigger fake product shopping centre.. GET IT?? lol, den after tat wen qin keep asking everything of the product isit real or fake one??? lol.. after tat we actually going to drink coconut drink.. but they say it not cold and dirty!! so nvr drink end up going 7-11 to buy drink.. den after tat went to my house playground and chat.. share our own storie wit each other.. woot, it was so fun and happening.. there no boredness.. haha.. after tat we when to another 7-11 near my hse.. we have a chat wit the ppl there.. aahaha.. after tat went to my house.. the first thing is everyone line-up for toilet.. haha.. den after tat, we chat at the living room.. actually they wan to use the com de.. but my dad is playing.. so nvr use.. so we play poker outside.. den leonard help us to count for the love in r/s thought poker card.. woot, for mi i dunno isit true of false?? haha, den after we play ps2.. den wen qin ask his dad to fetch him home.. so he send leonard home also.. haha.. den i when to sleep =DDD
it be few week already.. i know tat maybe i say thing too hush tat time.. i know it past and wad i say now i nothing to u anymore.. but i just don really know how to put it down??? i'm feeling tat now.. i'm just stuck in the middle of the road.. should i turn back or should i walk forward?? i really dunno how.. mermoise (forever)!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
so we down again den walk up the stair.. FINALLY we reach there.. lol, out of 85ppl onli 30+ go..
woot, after tat was AFS leature.. tis was the worse day ever.. 4hr of leature.. sit there and i fall asleep =X... woot, go for break.. i hate now aday break at 12.. is like almost whole school is having break.. find a table at cafe2 to sit is a problem!! den some ppl eat finish still sit there slack.. DO U KNOW HOW MANY PPL ARE WAIT FOR UR ASS TO LEAVE THE SIT??? haha
den after tat was EIC pratical.. we done it so many time le.. den teacher keep asking us to do.. so we have a chat wit ms laura.. den everyone become damn noisy den ms low damn angry.. den she ask ying hui group and our group.. if u all are not interested, you can leave and i will still mark you as present.. tat was sweet.. haha.. and end up all the ppl who done finish go home also.. LOLS.. so she damn damn piss off.. so we slack at cafe1 till 4.30 and i'm meet MICH at 6 wor.. so when to TM to walk marry-go-round.. den she called and say she end early.. yi pi =D.. so when i walk to mrt i saw her.. i follow at her back she just keep searching for mi.. haha.. den went inside.. when she going to take out her phone.. she saw mi behind.. haha, den she kpkb agn.. =_= so we train down to dolby and when to eat fish & co.. woot, we take the student promo =D.. i know it feel buget.. but we are student it ment to let us have the promo =D.. so we chat and eat.. comment tis and tat.. the place was so COLD.. i find out tat.. alot ppl like going to fish & co to celebrate birthday.. it like everytime i go there.. comfirm 100% got ppl celebrating the birthday there.. lol.. after tat we walk around the mrt den ps.. lol.. finally nothing to do.. we go home...
Monday, May 5, 2008
today when to school at 11.. den got a HOT leature.. the air-con was spoil.. zz
just like we study under the sun.. keep sweating.. everyone start to become so reckless..
no mood to study.. we study for 2 hr and we ended school =D saw joanne outside co-op.. and she lost her friend.. hahaha.. we wait for the GIRL to meet us.. waaaaa, so long sia.. 30min.. they still say they eating.. =_=
so we when to downtown east the new cathay.. to watch iron man.. my lunch i got eat a little bit of sushi and one cury puff.. T.T so we dash in the room early, and sitted at there, waiting for the show to start.. we chat till it like our grandfather the show was not end.. but the ending quite boring.. the next movie i wan to watch is KUNG FU PANDA.. (=
den we sperate and take different bus.. mi, kenneth and yinghui take 3.. haziq and konghwee take 21.. venesa take 17.. anthony take 3(from other side).. wen xin walk home.. den we bus to tampines and change to 3 go home..